InfeKtion: Operation DENVER and the Engineering of AIDS Conspiracy Legends
(This blog post is not an exact transcription of the podcast episode, which contains a great deal of material from my interview of Dr. Douglas Selvage. I encourage you to listen to the podcast for a full sense of the what was discussed. Additionally, Patreon supporters have been granted access to the entire interview).
In 2020, early in the Covid-19 pandemic, the Trump administration, amid criticism of its response to the crisis, asserted without evidence that China was to blame for the virus. Certainly the original epicenter of the outbreak occurred in Wuhan, but as a way to deflect blame from their handling of the situation, the Trump administration promoted an emerging hypothesis that the virus had been released upon the Chinese population in a “lab leak.” Medical scientists and the scholarly community were quick to decry this assertion, as study of the virus, a variant of the coronavirus that caused the severe acute respiratory syndrome or SARS epidemic in the early 2000s, showed that it had likely crossed the species barrier much like its predecessor. What their research was showing was that what was most likely to blame were the conditions of the wet markets and the practices of the wildlife trade in China. However, the existence of the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the fact that it had been studying coronaviruses that cause respiratory infections ever since the 2003 SARS outbreak was viewed by many as a kind of smoking gun. Rumors about researchers at this institute falling ill with flu-like symptoms late in 2019 further encouraged the lab leak hypothesis, though there is no evidence that any researchers at the institute had Covid-19. Since that time, it has become a mire of conspiracy speculation, with the institute being depicted as a U.S.-funded bioweapons development site and with further claims that Anthony Fauci, a public health spokesman during the first year of the pandemic and chief medical advisor to the President during the first two years of the Biden administration, was himself personally responsible for “gain of function” research to develop a more transmissible virus. While the scholarly community and the intelligence community worked slowly but surely to assemble evidence for a natural origin, the conspiracist community latched onto any gaps in their evidence as if it proved the opposite. Most recently, a declassified report by the U.S. Department of Energy that claimed with “low confidence” that the lab leak theory was correct, along with the FBI director’s comments indicating that his agency agreed, has resulted in numerous major press reports that act like it had been proven, even though this conclusion runs counter to the findings of most other federal agencies and intelligence services and scientific consensus. The fact is that it is still too early to make draw such a conclusion, which is exactly why they have been drawn with “low confidence.” Even as I wrote this, President Biden signed the Covid-19 Origin Act to declassify intelligence on the subject, which has been deemed inconclusive. And this announcement came on the heels of a further revelation that samples deposited by Chinese researchers in a virology database show that the novel coronavirus was present in civets and racoon dogs sold at a Wuhan wet market. Yet these developments will not likely not be trumpeted with quite the same gusto by the press, which often amplifies conspiracy claims simply because it gets them clicks and views. When the recent conclusions of the Department of Energy were making headlines, a disgruntled listener who insisted he was “not an idiot,” emailed me to say that, since “COVID-19 is thought to have escaped a lab,” he hoped I would “reconsider the possibility of HIV having been foisted upon us.” But of course we know that the notion of HIV having been created as a bioweapon is a baseless conspiracy claim, widely spread by the KGB. Really, the story of how this myth appeared and was propagated for political purposes serves as the perfect example from history of why we must reserve judgment about the origin of Covid until the evidence is more conclusive.
Before I continue with this story, since I have heard that the best way to combat misinformation is not to tease the accurate information until later but to state the truth at the outset of your discussion, let’s start by talking about the natural origin of AIDS. Just as medical scientists have been studying the natural origin of Covid since its emergence, ever since the 1981 recognition of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome as a new disease and the subsequent identification of the causative retrovirus now called the human immunodeficiency virus or HIV, scientists studied it and hypothesized about its natural origin. Early on, even though it seemed to have emerged in America, it was believed to have come “out of Africa” because of the discovery of its similarity to a simian virus known to affect primates in sub-Saharan Africa. With far more time spent studying this pathogenesis than has been spent studying Covid, it has been borne out with consistent evidence that HIV passed naturally to humans through a cross-species transmission, that it actually first appeared in west central Africa, then came to Haiti before emerging in America, all long before the years when it would subsequently be claimed that the CIA was developing it as a bioweapon. And the intelligence services that were responsible for legitimizing and spreading these baseless claims have since confessed! In 1992, the head of the post-Soviet intelligence service, successor of the KGB, explicitly admitted to the existence of the KGB’s disinformation campaign to convince the world that HIV was created by the U.S. as a biological weapon, and that same year, former members of the Stasi, the East German intelligence agency, further confessed to their participation in the campaign. As for hard evidence of the workings of the KGB’s program, and the Stasi’s involvement in it, that was lacking for a long time, causing some to doubt, but eventually, it was discovered in the archives of Bulgaria’s secret police. In the podcast episode, you can hear more about this from Dr. Douglas Selvage, historian at the Humboldt University in Berlin, who along with Christopher Nehring published a German language study irrefutably proving not only the existence of the KGB disinformation campaign but also the nature and details of the significant involvement of East German intelligence in spreading the myth. He has published major papers on the topic in the Journal of Cold War Studies, as well as on openDemocracy and the Wilson Center website. Dr. Selvage generously agreed to chat with me on this topic, and you can hear a great deal of additional information from him throughout the podcast episode, so I encourage you to listen and not just read this blog post.
Dr. Douglas Selvage. Listen to the podcast for material from his interview. Check out the citations under Further Reading below for research and articles on this topic published by Dr. Selvage.
It would be inaccurate to suggest that Russian disinformation is entirely responsible for the invention of the conspiracy claim that HIV was developed by the U.S. government. Before the first known insertion of the narrative into the media by the KGB, some form of the conspiracy theory had already arisen among the community most affected by AIDS during the first years of the epidemic. More than a week before the first known use of the conspiracy claim by the KGB, Boston’s Gay Community News and New York’s Native, another newspaper focused on gay issues and the gay community, printed and repeated the erroneous claim that HIV was a variant of the African Swine Fever virus, and pieces in these papers argued, without evidence, that it had been brought across the Atlantic by the CIA for biological warfare purposes in Cuba. The fact that the conspiracy theory originated in a marginalized and oppressed community is no surprise. When the spread of AIDS elicited mostly homophobic sentiments by legislators and the Reagan administration seemed to be purposely dragging their feet in responding to the crisis, one can hardly blame them for beginning to suspect some sinister intentions. Likewise, as the Black community came to be greatly affected by AIDS later in the eighties, it seemed pretty reasonable to many that they may be the victims of some sort of “ethnic weapon,” especially since history showed the U.S. government was entirely capable of such atrocity, the most obvious example being the Tuskegee Experiment, the 40-year study in which 400 African American men were purposely infected with syphilis. Also fresh in the minds of the American public were the Church Committee revelations about Operations MKULTRA, the CIA search for mind control drugs, and MKNAOMI, which developed biological and chemical warfare technology. These revelations led to Richard Nixon’s 1969 executive order banning the military use of biological weapons. Certainly the Soviets had agents in America observing the media for any social and political conflicts they could leverage in their disinformation, and having recently been accused of developing biological weapons themselves, the opportunity to deflect such allegations and simultaneously discredit the Reagan administration by suggesting it had been ignoring this ban and engaging in biological warfare against America’s own citizens was too great to pass up.
If one looks up the Soviet AIDS disinformation campaign today, on the Internet, one finds that it is widely called Operation INFEKTION, when in fact, as Dr. Selvage has shown in his work, the campaign was actually called Operation Denver. There are a few reasons for that. The first is that one of the former Stasi members who first revealed that agency’s involvement in the operation, an individual whose other revelations have been shown to be mixed with falsehoods, thus discrediting him to some degree, actually claimed it was called Infektion. The other reason is that it’s just a better name. It is more evocative of the actual nature of the program, and it has led to a useful metaphor, describing the spread of conspiracy theories and disinformation as a kind of viral infection. Indeed, the New York Times even produced a great nearly hour-long documentary on the topic, complete with engaging animation, that calls the operation by this incorrect name and makes much use of that extended metaphor. It’s for that reason and for search engine optimization, that I’ve used it in the title of this episode, in order to catch those keyword searches. While he has argued against the incorrect designation of the program, Dr. Selvage has himself made clever use of the metaphor, acknowledging that conspiracy claims spread like a viral infection, especially on the Internet, where they spread as memes. He makes the fantastic point, however, that the KGB did not invent this “virus” but rather, since they modified conspiracy claims that had already appeared in order to make them spread more virally, it can be said that they engineered this claim to make it more infectious, a process Selvage cleverly calls “memetic engineering.” In order to draw a more modern parallel to the spread of Covid misinformation, it might be said that Soviet and East German intelligence performed “gain of function” research on existing conspiracy claims, and as a result, turned a small outbreak of conspiracy theory into a disinformation pandemic.
On July 17th, 1983, the very same month that this conspiracy claim appeared in newspapers serving the gay community in America, a newspaper in India called the Patriot, published an anonymous letter purporting to be from an eminent U.S. scientist. The letter claimed that the Pentagon had not abandoned its biological weapons program after Nixon’s executive order to do so, and that the CIA and the CDC had discovered and developed HIV at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick in Maryland, a facility known for its research into biological warfare and defensive countermeasures against it. This would prove to be the principal Soviet contribution to the conspiracy claim. The fact that the anonymous author claimed to be an anthropologist, not an infectious disease expert, and cited sources like the magazine Army Research, Development & Acquisition, not your typical reading for an anthropologist but just the sort of publication the KGB monitored, went a long way toward demonstrating that the letter was KGB propaganda, as did the poor English of the supposed American academic who wrote the letter. But beyond these tells, the intelligence community was aware that the KGB actually helped establish the Patriot in 1967 and regularly used it as their mouthpiece to circulate propaganda. This was a tried and true method for the KGB: plant the seed of a story in an Indian newspaper and watch it get picked up and spread in other papers. For example, in 1968, during the Vietnam War, the KGB likewise forged a letter claiming that the U.S. was using biological weapons in Southeast Asia, and they spread it by placing it in a Bombay newspaper. The Patriot story did not spread far, but a couple years later, as AIDS became a global crisis, and as accusations were made of the USSR engaging in biological weapons development themselves, the KGB resumed their campaign with a vengeance. In 1985, they published a story in the Literary Gazette, their principal mouthpiece, which cited the fake Patriot letter as if it were evidence. This article argued that HIV’s spread in America was the result of experiments on unsuspecting citizens, suggested AIDS victims should sue the CIA, and warned the nations of the world not to host the U.S. Armed Forces because American soldiers were surely carriers of the scourge.
Even though these news articles, which mixed fact with baseless conspiracy fiction, were illegitimate, they could then be cited to seemingly legitimize further articles, some likewise placed by the KGB and others written by people who were unwittingly helping them spread their narrative. But what the KGB campaign really needed was an academic to lend their claim scholarly clout, and their partner agency, the Stasi, or Ministry of State Security of East Germany, provided it to them. His name was Jakob Segal, a committed Communist who had been born in Russia and studied biology in Germany. As a Jew, he had been forced to flee Nazi Germany for France, where he completed his doctorate. When the Nazis invaded France, he joined the resistance, where he likely first came in contact with Soviet intelligence. He returned to Germany after the war, becoming the head of the Institute for Applied Bacteriology in East Berlin and, according to former Stasi agents, acted as an operative or informer for the Stasi. Likely at the behest of the Stasi and KGB, or perhaps just with their sly encouragement, Segal began to produce scholarly-style literature that argued against the African origin of HIV, suggesting that the virus was an artificial synthesis of the human T-cell lymphotropic virus and a retrovirus that affects sheep—even though the technology required to recombine parts of viruses did not exist at the time and those two viruses are too distinct to even be synthesized—and asserting with no evidence whatsoever the truth of a very specific scenario: that at Fort Detrick, HIV was tested on convicts, and because of its long incubation period, it was believed to have no effect, causing the subjects to be released into the population, whereupon they made their way to New York and spread the virus through sexual contact with others. His claims relied not only on complete speculation, but also on two dubious assumptions. First, he asserted that these ex-convict test subjects must have made their way from Fort Detrick in Maryland to New York City, where the first outbreak occurred, because they were criminals, and there simply was no criminal community to accommodate them in nearby Washington, D.C., when the truth is Washington’s crime rate was extremely high at the time. And second, he claimed that, because the test subjects must have been convicts who had spent a long time in prison, they must also have become homosexual, thus explaining why they introduced the virus specifically into the gay community. Considering the stereotypes relied on and the lack of evidence provided by Segal, it is unsurprising that the scientific community largely ignored him or scorned his claims, as was the case with one AIDS expert who called it “nothing but a hypothesis, and not a very original one at that” in popular German magazine Der Spiegel. However, while the academic world never took him seriously, the press in the third world and the tabloid press in the UK, became unwitting stooges for Soviet intelligence by spreading Segal’s thesis far and wide.
A brochure by Jakob Segal and his wife. Courtesy Dr. Douglas Selvage and the Wilson Center.
Meanwhile, in the U.S., some useful idiots did their part to strengthen the resolve of Soviet propagandists and promote aspects of their disinformation by spreading a variant conspiracy theory that blamed the Soviets for engineering HIV. Dr. Selvage cleverly calls this a different “strain” of the same viral conspiracy claim, and it was promulgated by Lyndon LaRouche. LaRouche is a fascinating character that everyone in America should know about, though I suspect he is largely forgotten. LaRouche became involved in far-left Marxist politics in the 1950s and ‘60s, while working as a management consultant in New York City, but as his conspiracist worldview evolved, he gradually drifted to the far-right, growing anti-Semitic. History might have forgotten him as just another voice on the lunatic fringe, if not for his surprising political career. Lyndon LaRouche ran for president in every election for about thirty years, from the mid seventies to the mid-aughts. While he never had the numbers to come close to a nomination, he had a devoted following, sometimes described as a cult, who in the mid-eighties infiltrated the Democratic party by winning some primaries for state office. Today, no less influential a figure than Roger Stone has expressed admiration for LaRouche, and I can’t help but find parallels between LaRouche and Trump, who himself drifted from the left to the right during the course of his political career and over the course of his several failed presidential campaigns and single successful campaign espoused numerous conspiracy claims. As for the LaRouchite cult infiltrating the Democratic Party, I find it very similar to Qanon wackos consuming the Republican Party from within, though the latter have proven far more successful, as they currently hold some sway over the Republican Majority Leader in the House of Representatives. LaRouche’s principal mouthpiece was his magazine Executive Intelligence Review, which in 1985 supported the claim that HIV was engineered at Fort Detrick, but with one crucial twist. It claimed that it had been developed by the National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization, whom they asserted had been infiltrated by the Soviets, so it was not the CIA but actually the KGB who had developed the virus. Of course, this only launched a disinformation war, with the Soviets citing parts of LaRouche’s claims as further support for their own allegations. But LaRouche’s conspiracy mongering went further. Much like Covid conspiracy claims decades later, his AIDS conspiracy claims involved anti-vaccinationism. Furthermore, his publications endorsed the notion that AIDS could be spread through even casual contact, like through insect bites, through the exchange of saliva in kissing, and the old myth about toilet seats. On the basis of these groundless fears, he organized support for a 1986 ballot initiative in California that, if it had passed, would have enforced the HIV testing of every Californian and resulted in the removal and forced confinement of those who tested positive. Frighteningly enough, almost a full third of Californians voted for this.
Eventually, the AIDS disinformation campaign seems to have been officially discontinued. When the disease began to spread more widely in the Soviet Union in the late eighties and suddenly the Kremlin was more interested in trading medical research about it, Mikhail Gorbechev found the U.S. Secretary of State less than cooperative because of the known KGB campaign to blame the disease on America. Suddenly official organs of the state, like the newspapers Izvestia and Sovetskaya Rossiya, disavowed the HIV-as-US-bioweapon thesis, and of course, within a few years, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the active measure would be admitted to, as I shared earlier. Nevertheless, Jakob Segal would continue to promote his claims until his death in 1995, and media outlets continued to amplify his misinformation through interviews. It is hard to imagine that he truly believed all the claims he made, such as that aspirin was the cure for HIV and the pharmaceutical industry was covering up this simple remedy. But there is a sense that many of those involved in the KGB campaign believed that, while they may have been spreading unproven claims, the claims were likely true or at least reflected a broader reality about the corruption and immorality of the U.S. government. Thus it is possible that, though he knew his thesis rested on assumptions, he still believed it likely, and looking at his later claims, we get the sense that eventually he came to truly believe his arguments and simply sank further and further into conspiracist delusions. For example, he would eventually finger a specific scientist, someone who had actually done a great deal to fight the AIDS epidemic, as the central villain of his narrative, responsible for the creation of HIV. Dr. Robert Gallo co-discovered HIV as the cause of AIDS in 1984 and during his long career, most of which was devoted to ending the epidemic, he developed the HIV blood test. But in Jakob Segal’s fevered imagination, since Gallo was head of the National Cancer Institute’s Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology in the seventies, and since in 1971, after his ban of biological weapons, Nixon converted Fort Detrick into a cancer research center, Segal saw this as de facto proof that Gallo had synthesized HIV at Fort Detrick. In fact, the NCI was extremely transparent about the cancer research conducted at Fort Detrick, and the Soviet Union’s Minister of Health even toured their lab in 1972. Interestingly, Jakob Segal’s obsession with Robert Gallo, his scapegoating of a respected scientist who was fighting the disease as being the actual person responsible for the creation of it, seems to me to parallel the bizarre and insupportable Covid conspiracy claims that have surrounded Dr. Anthony Fauci for the last few years.
Lyndon LaRouche. Public Domain image.
Despite the fact that the inner workings of the Soviet disinformation campaign have been exposed and its thesis proven false, the conspiracy claim has gone on to do serious harm, especially in Africa, which was and is ravaged by the disease and because of that has proven to be fertile ground for the propagation of the myth. The fact that the consensus of the scientific community remains that AIDS spread to humans from monkeys in Africa has made Africans and even African scientists defensive and more open to alternative narratives that do not seem to lay blame on them, even though of course no blame is actually being placed on African peoples, since it was a matter of natural cross-species transmission. As AIDS has ravaged African nations, we again have seen the tendency of those most marginalized and most effected by an epidemic giving the most credence to conspiracy claims that offer some explanation of their suffering and lay blame on an oppressive villain. For example, one newspaper in Zimbabwe in 1991 added to the myth complex the wild allegation that the CIA had spread the disease by distributing “AIDS-oiled condoms” to other countries. Major African political figures and social activists even publicly promoted the notion that AIDS was an ethnic weapon created by white powers-that-be to destroy Africa, long after this was refuted, such as Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and Kenyan Nobel laureate Wangari Maathai. Of course, the continued spread of these conspiracy claims has variously discouraged safe sex practices and contributed to AIDS denialist claims that effective treatments like antiretrovirals are ineffective and alternative treatments, like Segal’s aspirin doses, are preferable. The fallout of these false conspiracy claims has been deadly.
Although the Soviet AIDS disinformation program was eventually ended and even acknowledged after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Russian intelligence has continued to make similar claims about other diseases. Using the same playbook, epidemics such as SARS and Ebola were routinely asserted to have been engineered by U.S. scientists at Fort Detrick as bioweapons, and among the many justifications for his invasion of the Ukraine that Putin threw at the world to see what might stick, one was the accusation that U.S. sponsored biological weapons research was being conducted at Ukrainian facilities. In fact, it has even been claimed that Covid was developed by the U.S. at Fort Detrick, in what appears to be a Chinese disinformation campaign intended to throw the lab leak theory back in American faces. This long history of disinformation campaigns and false accusations lobbed back and forth, with nations accusing and counter-accusing each other of engineering and releasing diseases that actually spread naturally should teach us, if we aren’t affected by a bad case of historical blindness, that we should be cautious and disbelieve any such claims until there is irrefutable evidence about the actual origins of diseases. As Dr. Selvage expressed to me in our interview, any notion that the U.S. developed Covid, or that it was created as a bioweapon by China, or even that it leaked accidentally from their lab, really in a way exonerates the Chinese government for their secrecy about the initial spread of the disease and their lack of international cooperation since.
Until next time, remember, just because a newspaper prints a claim doesn’t make it true. But that doesn’t mean that claims about the free American press being controlled in a massive conspiracy of silence and official cover-up are the least bit tenable.
Further Reading
Boghart, Thomas. “Operation INFEKTION: Soviet Bloc Intelligence and Its AIDS Disinformation Campaign.” Studies in Intelligence, vol. 53, no. 4, Dec. 2009, pp. 1-24. Defense Technical Information Center,
Geissler, Erhard, and Robert Hunt Sprinkle. “Disinformation Squared: Was the HIV-from-Fort-Detrick Myth a Stasi Success?” Politics and the Life Sciences, vol. 32, no. 2, 2013, pp. 2–99. JSTOR, Accessed 17 Apr. 2023.
---. “Were Our Critics Right about the Stasi?: AIDS Disinformation and ‘Disinformation Squared’ after Five Years.” Politics and the Life Sciences, vol. 38, no. 1, 2019, pp. 32–61. JSTOR,
Selvage, Douglas. “Memetic Engineering: Conspiracies, Viruses and Historical Agency.” openDemocracy, 22 Oct. 2015,
---. “Operation ‘Denver’: The East German Ministry of State Security and the KGB’s AIDS Disinformation Campaign, 1985–1986 (Part 1).” Journal of Cold War Studies, vol. 21, no. 4, Fall 2019, pp. 71–123. EBSCOhost,
---. “Operation ‘Denver.’” Journal of Cold War Studies, vol. 23, no. 3, Summer 2021, pp. 4–80. EBSCOhost,
Selvage, Douglas, and Christopher Nehring. “Operation ‘Denver’: KGB and Stasi Disinformation regarding AIDS.” Wilson Center, 22 July 2019,