The Feat of the Flying Friar: St. Joseph of Cupertino

Feat of the Flying Friar title art.jpg

Today, when one thinks of a human being having the ability of unencumbered flight, being able to fly without the aid of a machine, one almost certainly thinks of it in the context of superhuman powers like those observed in the superhero characters that have dominated blockbuster cinema for the last decade. This is the easiest context into which one can place such notions, as the idea of a man flying has been associated with comic book characters since 1939, when Namor the Submariner first took flight. While Superman first appeared in 1938, it is a little known fact that he wasn’t actually depicted in flight until 1941. It is interesting to note, however, that neither of these iconic first flyers were exactly human: Namor was a mutant half-Atlantean, and Superman, of course, was a Kryptonian extraterrestrial. Soon, flying human superheroes became relatively common, but they seem always to come by their abilities of flight through some technology or magic or because of some chemical or radioactive accident or science-fictional mutation. To find stories of regular human beings who supposedly really could fly, we must look further back, to a time when superhuman abilities were thought to have been conferred on people by some deity. And even then, these powers of flight were possessed by people either considered heroes or villains, for it was thought they had been granted the gift of flight either by a benevolent god or a malevolent devil. The heretic Simon Magus, whose name indicates a Zoroastrian faith but whose legend claims he was the origin of Gnosticism and other heresies, is said in an apocryphal work, the Acts of Peter, to have “amazed the multitudes by flying.” Peter prayed to his god, beseeching him to make Simon Magus fall, which he did, breaking his leg in three places, whereupon the crowd turned on him and cast stones at him. But flight was not only seen as a matter of trickery or a feat performed by heretics who claimed to be god; it was also a feat performed by the most devout and faithful, such as St. Dunstan, St. Dominic, St. Francis of Assisi, Thomas Aquinas, St. Edmund, archbishop of Canterbury, Blessed James of Illyria, Savonarola, St. Ignatius Loyola, St. Philip Neri, and St. Peter of Alcantara, and it was seen to be a sign of saintliness comparable to the stigmata, or the spontaneous appearance of Christ’s wounds, another sign of divine favor said to have been bestowed on St. Francis of Assisi. Another saint, Giuseppe of Copertino, is said to have flown thousands of times and to have been witnessed in flight by thousands who would testify to the authenticity of his flights. What, then, is a modern, rational mind to make of such claims?

According to the apocryphal Acts of Peter, when Saint Peter saw Simon Magus flying in the Roman Forum, he prayed to his god to make him fall and thereby disprove his claims of divinity. However, interestingly, the text calls this an illusion that carried away or amazed those who witnessed it. Likewise, earlier miracles performed by Simon Magus are called “lying wonders,” such as conjuring spirits “which were only an appearance, and not existing in truth.” This causes one to wonder if ancient feats of flight might all have been faked as a kind of parlor trick. Of course, in modern times, we have all seen the levitation trick known as Balducci levitation, or some variation of it, practiced by street magicians like David Blaine and Criss Angel. While we might be astonished by it at first, a cursory search of the Internet reveals tutorials for performing the trick on Youtube and wikiHow, showing it to be a simple matter of perspective manipulation. Is it possible that Simon Magus and Saint Francis of Assisi and other saints, including the subject of this episode, St. Joseph of Cupertino, might have simply been fooling onlookers? There is a long history of levitation tricks among the more modern hucksters of late 19th- and early 20th-century spiritualism. Mediums like Kathleen Goligher, Eusapia Palladino, and Jack Webber appeared to make objects levitate, and Daniel Dunglas Home actually made a show of levitating himself, but their feats were debunked by skeptics and scientists as frauds. Can the same be said of these saints, and more specifically of St. Joseph of Cupertino, whose numerous flights are well-documented by diarists and Inquisition courts and corroborated by eyewitness after eyewitness? If so, how did he accomplish such a trick? And if not, how can such feats be explained?

A depiction of D. D. Home levitating, via Wikimedia Commons

A depiction of D. D. Home levitating, via Wikimedia Commons

Giuseppe Desa was born in 1603 in the village of Copertino, into a Kingdom of Naples occupied by the Spanish and under the thumb of the Spanish Inquisition. He was born into poverty, his father a debtor who fled the home rather than face the law, and his mother a strict moralist who raised him in the Catholic Church, offering him so little affection that Giuseppe considered her more of a nurse and thought of the Blessed Virgin Mary as his true mother. Physically abused by his mother and unwell for much of his youth, he focused his mind on his faith and on the stories he heard about St. Francis of Assisi, tales that surely included mention of that saint’s propensity to float in the air during prayer, sometimes higher than the treetops! Giuseppe, or as he’s called in English and as I’ll call him from now on, Joseph began to loiter around churches, acting as an ascetic, wearing hair shirts and was falling into reveries. Despite his clear devotion to the faith, he was more than once denied entrance to the priesthood on the grounds he lacked the dignity they required of their brothers. Eventually he was taken in as a lay brother at a Capuchin monastery, but because of his clumsiness, he was stripped of his habit within a year, leaving the monastery in shame and walking the 90 miles back to Copertino barefoot, where he took sanctuary in a nearby convent’s bell tower like some tragic hunchback. As a favor to his mother, the Conventual Franciscans there took Joseph in as a lay brother, and eventually as a novice. In 1628, at 25 years old, after years of quiet obedience among these Franciscan friars, he became ordained, entering the priesthood on a fluke: the bishop tasked with administering the test to the novitiates was unexpectedly called away, and having found the first few candidates he had tested satisfactory, he passed the rest without a test. On the assumption that this was divine intervention, St. Joseph of Cupertino is today considered a patron saint of students and is frequently prayed to by those who are dreading a final exam.

After his ordination, he sequestered himself in prayer for long stretches of time, and thereafter, his reveries became even more frequent, and he began to claim the first of his supernatural abilities, the gift of prophecy and of “scrutinizing the heart,” or peering into people’s souls to discern the quality of their characters and their hidden sins. Joseph often pronounced judgment on those he encountered and made predictions of what lay in store for them if they did not repent, and it got to the point that his brothers demanded he cease his pronouncements and seek to empathize with the sinners he met rather than denounce them. Thereafter, a new power presented itself; when he lapsed into a trancelike state, or an ecstasy as the friars would have called it, strange things began to happen. He was seen leaving the ground in a kind of levitation, and even taking flight “like a bird.” During Mass or on holy days of the liturgical calendar like Christmas, Easter, and Good Friday, he seemed to rise off the floor and float in place or he was observed leaping to some unnatural height where he would perch himself and remain in his trance until awoken, whereupon he would often need help getting back down. Almost always, his “flights” were preceded by a violent scream or shout from Joseph. Some witnesses have him floating up so that his toes just grazed the floor, while others have him shooting up several inches above the ground, or sweeping forward or backward, or high into the air, sometimes only for moments and other times for 15 minutes or a half hour. Once he is said to have flown up to embrace the feet of a statue that stood more than a man’s height above the ground, and another time he was seen to fly above a church’s main altar to its tabernacle, where he sat among the candles there. He often flew and perched like this. Once, while walking through an orchard and admiring the sky, he flew upward to the topmost branch of an olive tree and had to be helped down with a ladder. Another time, seeing tall crosses being carried in a procession, he became overwhelmed by the question of where he would touch Christ if he had been present at the crucifixion, and he suddenly flew more than three meters from the ground to sit on one of the crosses’ cross-beams and stayed there in a daze until sunset, when, being commanded by his superior to descend, he seemed to come out of his reverie and climbed carefully back down. Over the last thirty-five years of his life, these miracles are said to have persisted and even become more and more frequent and fantastical, with Joseph flying sometimes as high as thirty meters, as he is said to have done in order to admire a painting of Mother Mary, and even to have carried others into the air with him, specifically a mentally ill person, who was miraculously healed during the flight.

“A Miracle of Saint Joseph of Cupertino” by Placido Costanzi circa 1750, via Wikimedia Commons

“A Miracle of Saint Joseph of Cupertino” by Placido Costanzi circa 1750, via Wikimedia Commons

The church seemed to have conflicting feelings about Joseph’s powers of flight. It seems that some of his superiors likely censured him for his levitation, for Joseph claimed that it caused him shame, and he turned more and more to asceticism and mortification of the flesh to punish his body, which he called “the Jackass,” for its stubbornness and seemingly uncontrollable tendency to fly. His church superiors certainly wanted to keep his levitations more quiet, and they encouraged Joseph’s sequestrations. However, one Father Antonio of Mauro, who had authority over some 60 convents in Apulia, seemed to see Joseph more like a show pony and insisted on taking the flying friar with him during his tour through the region, showing off his amazing displays of flight everywhere they went and building Joseph’s fame far and wide. However, along the way, certain figures in the church felt that Joseph was acting like some kind of messiah, and one finally composed a charge against him for displaying “affected sanctity” and “abusing the credulity of the populace.” Soon Joseph was summoned before the Holy Inquisition in Naples. While some in the tribunal insinuated that the flights were contrived or even satanic, for the most part, they took the reports of his levitation as proof that Joseph genuinely flew and focused on other concerns. After discerning that Joseph did not take pleasure from his levitation, was not proud of them, and could not control them, they pronounced him innocent. For the rest of Joseph’s life after the trial, he was shuffled around, moved to out of the way locations by the church and occasionally called back before the authority of the Inquisition for some further questioning before being maintained innocent and moved again to some place even further remote. In this way, the church treated him like a dirty little secret, much as they have treated confirmed child abusers in more modern times. Never did the Inquisition find him guilty of any crimes, and despite the mortal danger that it put him in, he is even said to have levitated or flew in front of the eyes of his Inquisitors! And as he grew old, hidden away by the church he loved so much, it is recorded that he flew more and more, even in the isolation of his room at a remote monastery in Osimo, where a fellow Franciscan claimed to have seen him float in the air thousands of times. And in the end, it’s said that Joseph knew his time was near, announcing that his body, “the Jackass,” had climbed the mountain and was ready to rest. He died smiling, and “Amen” was his final word.

Much of this story, though, reeks of the exaggeration of hagiography, for the lives of saints are immortalized and made larger than life as a matter of course. However, the process of canonization, at least at the time, also included a strict investigation, by a “devil’s advocate,” of the miracles performed by a saint to confirm they were authentic, with the additional requirement that further miracles occur after the beatified individual’s death, such as miraculous healings after prayer to the prospective saint. After three such posthumous miracles, Pope Clement XIII canonized Saint Joseph of Cupertino in 1767, more than a hundred years after his death. If one were to play the devil’s advocate in Saint Joseph’s case, one could find some support for the allegation that sent him before the Inquisition in the first place: that he was acting like a messiah, or, to take it much further, one might even find support for the notion that he truly was the Messiah come again, an idea that, if we allowed ourselves to credit it, would provide ample reason to believe that he truly did fly and prophesize and read the innermost secrets in the hearts of those he met, for it would mean he was God incarnate, or reincarnate, as it were. He came from a background of poverty, as had Christ, and indeed, much as Christ is said to have been born in a stable, there being no room at the inn where Mary stopped, Joseph of Cupertino too was born in a stalla, meaning in Italian either a stable, a shed, or some kind of lowly stall. Joseph’s father having been obliged to flee because of his debt, his mother had been turned out of her house by debt collectors, leaving her homeless when it was time to bear her child. An intriguing parallel, perhaps. Then there is the fact that, when he made his public debut on tour with Father Antonio, he was 33 years old, famously the age at which Christ was crucified. Indeed, the monsignor who first reported Joseph to the Holy Office in Naples had grown suspicious of him because he was performing miraculous feats and was 33 years old, which seemed itself to be a tacit claim of being the messiah. Now, if one is a believer in the faith, then one believes that Christ ascended with the intention of one day returning to mankind. How ironic would it be, then, if he did return in the 17th century and the Catholic Church hid him away, embarrassed of the miracles he performed. But after all, even if one were disposed to believe such a thing, the evidence is weak. So he was born in a stable; one wonders how many other poor, homeless mothers have sought shelter in stables when it was time to bear their children. Perhaps this was common. And the fact that he was 33 years old when one monsignor saw him fly means nothing if he had been flying since the age of 25.

Depiction of St. Joseph in flight, from the nave of Church San Lorenzo in Vicenza, photo by Didier Descouens, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Depiction of St. Joseph in flight, from the nave of Church San Lorenzo in Vicenza, photo by Didier Descouens, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

If one were to take the job title of devil’s advocate more literally, one might advocate for the extreme opposite view: that Joseph was not the Messiah but rather the Devil, or at least an agent of the devil. The latter seems far more supportable, that he took his power of flight not from a divine source but rather from Satan. Some of his inquisitors suggested as much, and it was certainly a widely held belief at the time that the Devil granted the ability to fly to witches who served him. One reading of his life and career could even be taken to support this story. This version would begin when Joseph was kicked out of the Capuchin Monastery at Martina Franca. Leaving on foot with no shoes or stockings, he later claimed to have been followed by dogs and bandits before meeting a stranger on the road that he believed was Malatasca, a nickname he had for the Devil that meant “Evil Pocket.” This account is extremely vague, but if we unpack it, it seems like the archetypal meeting of the Devil at the crossroads, an opportunity to sell one’s soul in exchange for rewards or good fortune, if you believe such things. One certainly doesn’t need to look far to see what kind of rewards Joseph might have reaped from such a Faustian bargain; after all, he survived the dogs and bandits on the road and soon managed to be accepted at the convent, where through some suspiciously fortuitous circumstances he was ordained a priest without even having to take the test. More than this, Joseph was known to receive gifts supposedly from wealthy relatives and even from mysterious patrons who showed up at his door, giving him new habits and luxury items like fine clothing, art, and watches. Beyond these gifts, there is the obvious gift of flight, and it is said that when he used his gift of “scrutinizing hearts” and of prophecy, that he did so rather more like a sorcerer than a holy man, predicting that sinners or people who had crossed him would suffer pains or afflictions, making it seem like he was cursing them using some kind of black magic. This perspective of Joseph and his abilities also breaks down under examination, though, for Joseph was ever an obedient priest, casting aside the luxuries he enjoyed and denying himself worldly comforts to make up for his sinful indulgence in them. Moreover, he seems only ever to have used his powers to encourage faith in the Catholic god, rather than to lead any of his flock astray. There are even stories of him confronting and condemning those who practiced sorcery. If he was an agent of the devil, he concealed it very well and seems to have never accomplished much for his diabolical patron.

Today the notion of a devil’s advocate is more of a rhetorical device, to entertain a critical viewpoint for argument’s sake. Therefore, let us return from our sojourn into religious views of this figure to the realm of science, skepticism, and critical thought to determine whether, as even some of his Inquisitors suspected, Joseph was perhaps a fraud. The loudest voice advocating a skeptical view of the saint comes, as is frequently the case, from noted skeptic Joe Nickell, who does a close reading of philosophy scholar and critic of the materialist worldview Michael Grosso’s book, The Man Who Could Fly: St. Joseph of Copertino and the Mystery of Levitation. Grosso’s book is also my principal source, as he did the important work of having old Italian works about the saint translated into English and therefore offers the most information on St. Joseph’s life. Nickell looks at the material Grosso presents and points out a few key passages as evidence that Joseph was conning everyone. First, he looks at descriptions of his levitation and suggests that when the priest was floating just above the floor in his robes or gliding forward or backward, he was likely creating an illusion by rolling back from resting on his knees to resting his buttocks on his heels, which would look like he was rising off the ground while kneeling. Furthermore, his higher flights can all be explained, according to Nickell, as leaps or bounds made by a clearly very athletic man, pointing out that every time he “flew” to a great height, he did not hover in the air but rather was obliged to grab onto and perch on something. He suggests that the fact Joseph cried out every time he supposedly flew was evidence that they were acts of athletic prowess, requiring great physical effort and eliciting a cry like that of a martial artist striking boards. And he even looks at some of the accounts of Joseph’s life that Grosso has included to suggest some acquaintances knew him for a fraud, such as a companion who had traveled with him for years eventually requesting to be sent away, or Father Antonio, the prelate who had taken Joseph on tour, saying nothing about his ability to fly when asked about Joseph years later. Altogether, it is a very convincing argument, but as with many skeptical arguments, it has serious flaws that a sincere skeptic probably should have acknowledged.

Saint Joseph of Cupertino (Copertino). Engraving by G.A. Lorenzini. Credit: Wellcome Collection. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Saint Joseph of Cupertino (Copertino). Engraving by G.A. Lorenzini. Credit: Wellcome Collection. Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)

Among the biggest problems with Nickell’s reading of the facts is that so very many people witnessed and gave clear testimony about Joseph’s ability to fly. Thousands saw his feats, and the written records in court depositions, biographies, letters, and diaries are numerous. Perhaps some of these could be dismissed as poor observers taken in by an illusionist, but could all of them? None record any detail to cast doubt on his flights, and in fact, many describe him not as seeming to float or leaping high, but rather soaring like a bird. Indeed, it is the skeptic Joe Nickell who appears to be dismissing great swathes of the testimony on the assumption that they were fooled or moved by faith and the power of suggestion to give the reports they gave. Moreover, if Joseph were the skilled illusionist that Nickell suggests he was, that would have made him an ingenious and extremely deceptive charlatan, and that just simply isn’t the character we see in what survives of his life story. He appears to have been meek and dutiful with his superiors, and to have preferred isolation. Rather than reveling in his displays, they seem to have caused him great distress. Moreover, he seems to have been far too weak of intellect to have maintained such a deceit for so long. Growing up, he was certainly believed to be stupid, even having earned the nickname “gaping mouth” for the way he always went about with his mouth hanging open. As previously discussed, he became the patron saint of students only because he was so terrible in his studies and only lucked through exams. Could such a dullard have possibly made fools of everyone he encountered? And if he was truly so secretly clever, why on earth would he have persisted in pretending to fly even in front of his Inquisitors when he would have known that it put his very life in danger?

The skeptic Joe Nickell would further have us believe that Joseph accomplished his illusions by sheer physical prowess, exerting the bodily control of a yogi in balancing just so beneath his robes, or by displaying the strength and grace of an acrobat in leaping to great heights and balancing on precarious places. In truth, it seems that Joseph of Cupertino was not so physically gifted as this. As a child, he was bedridden by a growth the size of a melon on his behind. After it was eventually removed by surgery, he had a difficult time walking, let alone bounding and leaping, and because of this, he grew into a remarkably clumsy young man. In fact, it was this oafishness that led to his being stripped of his habit by the Capuchins: on kitchen duty, he knocked over boiling water when he put wood on the fire, and he broke many dishes. As if this weren’t enough, he even punished his body with his ascetic practices. A hair shirt wasn’t enough for penance, he thought, so he put the broken pieces of the dishes he dropped inside his shirt to cut his skin. Such behavior would continue throughout his life, as he devised unique ways to rend his own flesh, building his own scourge with needles and pins and sharp pieces of steel, and he wore a chain with spurs tight over his shirt throughout the day. He distressed his superiors by covering his body with lacerations in this way. Once he even knelt praying for so many hours that his knees became infected, and Joseph decided to cut the infection from his own flesh with a common knife, which of course led to another lengthy convalescence like in his youth. This simply does not sound like a man with the physical strength to accomplish the feats of acrobatics that Nickell suggests he pulled off, like leaping some six feet into the air to grasp the feet of a statue and through massive upper body strength hold the rest of his body out parallel to the ground. But some may be inclined to disagree, suggesting his illnesses only made him stronger and asserting that his mortification of the flesh bespeaks a great strength of mind. In that case, consider this: his levitations and flights are said to have continued to the end of his life, when he was a 60-year-old man sequestered in a remote monastery with only a few fellow priests there to impress. Even if a 60-year-old could pull off these tricks, what would have been the point?

Yet another 18th century depiction of  San Giuseppe da Copertino, via Wikimedia Commons

Yet another 18th century depiction of San Giuseppe da Copertino, via Wikimedia Commons

In the end, as devil’s advocate, I find it hard to advocate for any argument thus far. I cannot accept that he was a black magic sorcerer or that he was imbued with some godly power, yet neither do I find the rationalist skeptic’s explanation convincing. And what are the alternatives? One could claim that his legendarium is a result of a massive conspiracy by the church to produce a saint who would be used to propagandize, but this is untenable—as are all massive conspiracy claims—and easily disproven by the facts of how the church actually treated him. Or is it possible that all of this is a huge misunderstanding due to mistranslation and historical distance preventing our understanding of the idiom of the time? Many of the reports of Joseph’s flights don’t use the word for flying or flight, using instead the word ecstasy, which as I mentioned before is meant to indicate the reveries during which Joseph was said to have flown. The word ecstasy refers to being outside of oneself, displaced from the body in a trance of exaltation. It derives from Ancient Greek  ἐκ, or “out,” and ἵστημι (hístēmi), “to stand,” so literally being beside oneself, and use of the word may explain another supposed superhuman ability of saints, bilocation, or being in two places at once. It is tempting to suggest that the use of this word, which only referred to being in a rapturous stupor, has led to the misunderstanding that Joseph was flying around. His Inquisitors, after all, questioned him about his moti, the movements of his body, which seems like it could just as well refer to any movement he made during a trance. But this explanation too would be a weak refutation only capable of convincing someone who wanted to believe the saint to be a fraud. It is a simple thing to cast doubt on the work of experts, like the translators of historical documents who have provided us so much clear first-hand testimony of Joseph’s supernatural abilities of flight. That is the practice of a denialist. I cannot double check their translations, and others who know better have done so. Thus I find myself scratching my head, actually wondering if it’s possible that a man could fly. After all, we have examples of seemingly superhuman feats from people in other monastic traditions, like Tibetan monks who raise their body temperature in order to withstand great cold. If science can accept the mind’s ability to influence the body, then will it someday accept that this influence could go so far as to enable the body to break the laws of physics? As Sherlock Holmes said, “[W]hen you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”… but what happens, I wonder, when the impossible can no longer be eliminated?

Further Reading

Nickell, Joe. “Secrets of ‘The Flying Friar’: Did St. Joseph of Copertino Really Levitate?” Skeptical Enquirer, vol. 42, no. 4, July/Aug. 2018. Skeptical Enquirer,

Grosso, Michael. “Evidence of St. Joseph of Copertino’s Levitations.” Esalen,

Grosso, Michael. The Man Who Could Fly: St. Joseph of Copertino and the Mystery of Levitation. Rowman & Littlefield, 2015.

In the Footsteps of the Wandering Jew: Anti-Semitic Canards in the Coronavirus Era

Wandering jew title card.jpg

The ongoing global health crisis arose quickly, with clusters of unusual pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China, in December of 2019. By early January, they reported their first death, and a little later that month, other countries began to confirm cases of their own. Before the end of that month, the World Health Organization declared a global health emergency. Here in the United States, as early as the beginning of March, comparisons were being made between the novel coronavirus epidemic and the terror attacks of September 11th, 2001. At first, similarities were noted in the effects of these two tragedies on airlines and that industry’s need for a federal bailout. Very quickly, then, it became a touchstone. There have been numerous articles holding up the death toll of this novel coronavirus to that of 9/11, and as the number of casualties surpassed those of September 11th, more articles have appeared that contrasted that tragedy and the current one. Some opinion pieces have argued that the two should not be equated, being that 9/11 was a deliberate attack and was only theoretically preventable while the spread of the coronavirus was an act of nature (unfounded conspiracy theories about virus engineering notwithstanding) about which we had definite foreknowledge, suggesting that, at least in the U.S., but also in other countries, high death tolls are far more incontestably attributable to the inadequate response of governments. In some ways, the comparison to 9/11 may have been inevitable, as not since then has such a sudden and devastating phenomenon changed U.S. and global cultures so drastically. Indeed, an article in the Atlantic declared that the 9/11 era has concluded, and that we have entered the COVID-19 era, making the comparison apt insofar as they are both era-defining calamities. And there is a further comparison to be made, although it may not have been as apparent at first. After 9/11, many conspiracy theories emerged as to who was responsible for the attacks, and of course we have already seen something similar with coronavirus. Self-proclaimed 9/11 “truthers” make numerous arguments about who was behind the 2001 attacks, many unsupported and irrational and others more denialist in nature in that they seem academic but are convincingly refuted by experts. Among these conspiracy theories are that the attacks were orchestrated by the government, a claim that we see mirrored in conspiracy theories that the coronavirus was engineered as a biological weapon and was perhaps purposely released in China. But there is another, more despicable conspiracist claim that unites these two catastrophes, as well as many others. During the years after 9/11, far right extremists in the U.S. as well as Muslim and Arab hate groups claimed that Jews were actually responsible for the attacks of September 11th. And now, already, similar conspiracy theories blaming the novel coronavirus on Jews have reared their ugly head, conforming to a long tradition of attributing major tragedies to a worldwide Jewish conspiracy.

In late April 2020, as the coronavirus pandemic continued ravaging the world, the Kantor Center for the Study of European Jewry published its annual report on global anti-Semitism, which reported a sharp rise in anti-Semitic speech related to the pandemic. Some of this hate speech was perhaps not surprising, considering its sources, such as far-right preacher and fake news purveyor Rick Wiles suggesting that coronavirus was spreading in Israel as a punishment for rejecting Christ, or white supremacist groups encouraging the infected to purposely transmit the virus to Jews. Numerous memes encouraging such intentional spreading of the virus among Jews and characterizing its spread among them as divine retribution continue to circulate on anonymous and encrypted social networks known for their far-right user bases, like 4chan, Telegram, and Gab. The “jokes” made in these memes range from talking about using the Israeli flag as an alternative to toilet paper to suggesting that Chinese struggles to cremate the remains of COVID-19 victims prove the Holocaust didn’t happen. Here we see the age-old claims of a Jewish World Conspiracy rearing its hideous head once again. We saw the medieval origin of this conspiracy claim in the blood libel, the myth that Jews conspired to ritually murder Christian children in every country of the diaspora, which I discussed in depth a few years ago, and we saw it take more definite and modern form in the dissemination of the plagiarized forgery The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which I discussed in a follow-up episode. Thus, when white supremacist leaders and anonymous internet denizens spread the claim that the pandemic has been orchestrated by Jewish conspirators, much as they did after 9/11, they are taking part in a long tradition of hate, falling into a predictable pattern of racist conspiracism and scapegoating that in many ways is perfectly embodied in another medieval legend, that of the Wandering Jew, a figure that can be taken to represent wildly different views of the Jewish people, depending on one’s prejudices and knowledge of history.

A 1934 imprint by the so-called "Patriotic Publishing Co." of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, possibly a propaganda product of Nazis operating in the USA, via Wikimedia Commons

A 1934 imprint by the so-called "Patriotic Publishing Co." of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, possibly a propaganda product of Nazis operating in the USA, via Wikimedia Commons

The legend of the Wandering Jew serves as a metaphor for many of the baseless conspiracy claims about Jews that we see on the rise again today, for it was an inherently Anti-Semitic myth from the beginning. It is a spinoff from the story of the Passion of Jesus Christ, much like the story of Veronica and her veil, which I have discussed in a patron exclusive podcast episode, it tells of an otherwise unrecorded encounter with Christ on the Via Dolorosa, or Way of Suffering. It tells us that, while bearing his cross, Christ stopped to momentarily rest on the doorstep of a local Jewish man, a shoemaker who told Christ to move on. In response, Christ said he was on his way but asserted that this Jewish shoemaker would wait for his return. And that, so the legend says, was the moment the shoemaker became cursed to live until the Second Coming. According to some versions of the legend, the shoemaker felt compelled to follow Christ to Golgotha and felt compassion for his suffering and horror at the cruelty inflicted on him. Forever after, this Jew was said to wander as a devout witness to the truth of Christ’s divinity and sacrifice. It was clearly a piece of propaganda meant to affirm the Christian faith and cast the Jews in a negative light. In one version of the legend, in fact, the shoemaker had been a vocal opponent of Christ, among the first to call for his crucifixion. Here we see the persistent theme that Jews are to blame for the death of the Christian Messiah, and in fact, in some tellings, the shoemaker is even said to have struck Christ for loitering at his door, portraying the Jews and not the Romans as torturers of Christ. Therefore the tale of the Wandering Jew stands as an allegory for the notion that Jews deserve eternal punishment for their treatment of Jesus, a hate-filled claim we see endlessly repeated, even from supposed leaders of religion like Rick Wiles when he paints the coronavirus outbreak in Israel as divine punishment.

As with the legend of Veronica’s Veil, this encounter is not mentioned in the gospels. The closest thing that can be found would be Christ’s words that “there be some here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom,” but that has traditionally been thought to refer to the Beloved Disciple, whose mysterious identity I have discussed in another episode, for he had elsewhere said of this nameless disciple, “If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you?” So the canonical scriptures are silent on the existence of this shoemaker cursed by Christ to wander the Earth until the end of the world. The first record of the legend is from the 13th century, in the writings of Matthew Paris, who recorded it thirdhand from the chronicles kept at the Monastery of St. Albans, which told of a visiting Archbishop from Armenia who claimed to have met a man that said he was this Wandering Jew, although in this earliest version, he was a porter serving Pontius Pilate rather than a cobbler. Lest one think this Armenian bishop invented the tale, the account indicates that he shared his encounter after having been asked if he had ever heard of the Wandering Jew character, “a man of whom there was much talk in the world.” Curious then that we see no further records of the legend until almost 300 years later, when stories of him appear in the Middle East and across Europe during the 16th and early 17th centuries, with encounters in Persia, Hungary, Moscow, Bohemia, Poland, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Spain, Italy, France, England, and Scotland. The figure’s story may have changed in some particulars but remained largely the same. Even then, some of these figures were suspected of being frauds, or even madmen, and today it is tempting to accept this as an explanation for the origin of the legend. Perhaps one vagabond discovered that he could dine out on the tale, and as it spread, other drifters took it up, with the mentally ill among them perhaps even beginning to believe the imposture.

A depiction of the Wandering Jew drawn by the nineteenth-century American cartoonist Joseph Keppler, via Wikimedia Commons

A depiction of the Wandering Jew drawn by the nineteenth-century American cartoonist Joseph Keppler, via Wikimedia Commons

Over time, though, as the legend evolved through its many tellings, so too did its interpretation. Among many, the coming of the Wandering Jew was seen as a portent of calamity, for it was believed that he brought flood, famine, and disease with him. In France, for example, the coming of a storm was popularly attributed to the Wandering Jew passing through their neighborhood. This conception of the figure as a harbinger of doom likely grew out of the notion that he was cursed to suffer ceaselessly. Think of him with a cartoonish miniature storm cloud fixed over his head. Or there is the idea that he wandered in search of the death that God denied him, which would suggest he was drawn to places that would soon be visited by death. Some versions of his story even have him fighting in every war he could find, endlessly chasing after the sweet release of being killed. Many believed him an apocalyptic figure, since it was said he would survive until the end of the world. Thus, in Russia, they expected his arrival in 1666, the year when it was believed the Anti-Christ would rise. When pogroms in Russia sent Jewish refugees into France, however, the figure of the Wandering Jew was seen more and more as a metaphorical embodiment of the Jewish diaspora, forced to wander as a nomadic people—an aspect of their history since the periods of Assyrian and Babylonian exile. This archetype of the Jew as perpetual exile was folded into other anti-Semitic stereotypes. For example, early psychiatrists liked to suggest that Jews were more prone to neurological disorders, like nervousness and psychopathy. When one psychiatrist managed to find a Jew who suffered from “travelling insanity,” which today psychologists might characterize as a fugue state, he found the perfect literalization of the Wandering Jew motif, and thus it was claimed that Jews have a psychological predilection toward itinerancy and the legend of the Wandering Jew was tied into false notions of Jewish constitutional inferiority.

So the figure of the Wandering Jew evolved from being a piece of Christian propaganda to becoming a symbol of the Jewish people themselves, and as such, notions of the Wandering Jew clearly parallel the false allegations historically made against the Jewish people. Almost all the claims about a Jewish World Conspiracy can be boiled down to the assertion that Jews are responsible for most catastrophes, from war to economic collapse to the spread of disease. Anti-Semites believe not only that disaster follows them as it does the Wandering Jew, but that they orchestrate it for their own benefit. However, some fictional depictions of the Wandering Jew characterize him as blameless and even mournful about the catastrophe that dogs his heels, such as in Eugène Sue’s novel of that name, which has the Wandering Jew bemoan, “A solitary wanderer, I left in my track more mourning, despair, disaster, and death, than the innumerable armies of a hundred devastating conquerors could have produced.” In Sue’s novel, the figure realizes that cholera strikes wherever he goes, much like he brought the bubonic plague with him during his wanderings hundreds of years earlier. But of course, the Wandering Jew by this time had come to represent Jewry as a whole, and the notion that Jews spread disease, not passively but purposely, was a longstanding pernicious claim being incorporated into the symbolism of the Wandering Jew. The truth is that even before the folklore of the Wandering Jew came to include the notion that his appearance presaged disaster, Jews had been blamed for spreading what was arguably the worst plague in history: the Black Death.

Medieval illustration depicting Jews engaging in ritual murder and poisoning wells, from Karenett at Hebrew Wikipedia, licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

Medieval illustration depicting Jews engaging in ritual murder and poisoning wells, from Karenett at Hebrew Wikipedia, licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-SA 3.0

Recently, out of Turkey and Iran, some variations on a conspiracy theory theme arose, asserting that, rather than the Chinese, International Jewry and their American allies were responsible for engineering the virus in order to wipe out Muslim populations. Likewise, when Israel announced progress in the development of a vaccine, hatemongers online immediately suggested that they had the cure first because they were behind the virus, even though all the Israel Institute of Biological Research actually announced was the identification of a potentially useful antibody, not a working vaccine, which will of course take them time to test just like every other major medical research center racing to develop one. Even more troubling than the obvious falsehood and misrepresentation in these anti-Semitic claims, however, is their similarity to historical accusations of Jews poisoning wells. The phrase “poisoning the well” may be very familiar to students of rhetoric as a logical fallacy, a kind of smear tactic that inserts irrelevant negative claims or implications to predispose an audience against an opponent. It is an appeal to hate, and we could certainly find examples of it in anti-Semitic speech, but in this case, we mean something far more literal. When the bubonic plague struck Europe in the mid-14th century, Jewish communities were accused of causing the plague by poisoning wells, rivers, and food supplies. While today we better understand what caused the plague, at the time, layperson and doctors alike had little idea of what the plague’s origin might be. They blamed an angry god, a sinister alignment of heavenly bodies, apocalyptic floods of toads and snakes and mysterious many-legged worms whose terrible odor caused disease, and even supernatural weather in the form of a black snow that could melt a mountain to the ground. Perhaps it’s not so surprising, in this time of uncertainty, that Europeans also looked for a scapegoat on whom to blame the plague, and that, as happens again and again throughout history, they chose the Jews. Between 1348 and 1351, in cities across Europe, thousands upon thousands of Jewish men, women and children were herded into public squares, tortured into confessing, and burned alive. Records of these false confessions under duress were dispatched from one region to another, providing false evidence that could thereafter be used in another pogrom. This was itself a holocaust, prefiguring the Holocaust 600 years later, and even then, there were some who denied its occurrence, such as in Frankfurt, where one chronicler asserted that the entire Jewish quarter of the city had burned to the ground because of an accident rather than a massacre.

The history of Western Christians using Jews as scapegoats and accusing them of outrageous acts is long.  After the murder of William of Norwich, the accusations of ritual murder as a way to reenact the execution of Christ led to the absurd claim that Jews regularly conspired to steal blessed eucharist wafers from Christian churches in order to desecrate them. As this sacramental bread was believed to literally “host” the body of Christ, it was claimed that Jews just couldn’t refrain from driving their sharpened daggers into it. Imagine hating and fearing a group so much that you’d believe they wanted nothing more than to stab bread just to defile your god, even though this would mean that they actually believed a central tenet of your faith, the conversion of the eucharistic elements into Christ’s body and blood, and by extension acknowledged his divinity. This conspiracy claim made of Jews a people defined by unrepentant evil. Therefore it would require no stretch of the imagination to think of them inciting war and revolution for their own nefarious purposes, an anti-Semitic conspiracy that flourished with the rise of Communism and Bolshevism, which were commonly blamed on Jews, as seen in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion forgery. And accusations of Jews poisoning and spreading disease has recurred numerous times as well. In the early 1950s, Stalin made baseless accusations that a group of Jewish doctors was actually a poisoning network that planned to assassinate Soviet officials. In the late 1980s, an extremist anti-Semitic sect of the Black Hebrew Israelites spread the claim that Israel and South Africa engineered the AIDS virus in order to wipe out Africans, and a few years after that, the Nation of Islam published a book entitled The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews, which portrayed Jews as the perpetrators of pogroms and holocausts, rather than the victims, asserting with no evidence that Jews ran the trans-Atlantic slave trade and that Jews spread smallpox to Native Americans with infected blankets. Even as recently as 2016, Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas repeated a debunked claim about rabbis urging Israelis to poison Palestinian water supplies. Thus current rumors of Israelis or Jews in general creating and intentionally spreading the novel coronavirus fit clearly into the historical tradition of a long disproven accusation. Even as far back as the days of the Black Plague, the obvious logical problem with these accusations was seen and pointed out by Pope Clement VI in a papal bull: Jews themselves were dying from the plague just as much as Christians. The same sad fact offers a simple refutation for claims about Jews spreading AIDS and the novel coronavirus.

A depiction of the burning of Jews during the Black Death epidemic, 1349, via Wikimedia Commons

A depiction of the burning of Jews during the Black Death epidemic, 1349, via Wikimedia Commons

Some historians have argued, however, that the burning of Jews during plague outbreaks had little to do with the notion that they were poisoning wells, that such accusations were not actually believed and were only made as a rationale for massacring Jews. These historians argue the burning of Jews in this time had more to do with class unrest and social conflict. By their reckoning, these were popular uprisings against Jewish people because the poor resented their wealth and the usurious practices of Jewish moneylenders. However, Samuel Cohn, in his article “The Black Death and the Burning of Jews,” makes a convincing argument that this view is itself based on stereotypes and assumptions rather than evidence. According to his extensive research of primary source material, most pogroms during plague outbreaks appear to have been initiated by the elite, by patricians and noblemen rather than poor townsfolk and peasants. In fact, the debtors of Jewish moneylenders were typically aristocrats, not the peasantry, and none of the many recorded confessions of well-poisoning extracted under torture mention anything about usury. In fact, it would seem that Jewish moneylenders typically offered loans at lower rates than Christian moneylenders, such that in some places where Jews had been expelled, the populace demanded that they be allowed to return. Thus, the true reason for blaming the plague on Jews seems to have been simple hatred, as evidenced by the fact that on some occasions other common targets of public hate were also accused of poisoning wells, such as the poor and other foreigners. However, this assumption by historians certainly does speak to the prevalence of another anti-Semitic canard, that Jews control the world economy through their dominance of global banking and finance systems.

As the modern plague of COVID-19 continued its spread, the famously racist KKK figure David Duke claimed that Jews had planned the pandemic in order to destabilize the global economy. Jewish involvement in finance goes back to the Middle Ages and the fact that, barred from many occupations, they were frequently obliged to work in fields that Christians held in disdain, like pawn brokerage, tax and rent collection, and moneylending. Such occupations were often considered unethical and immoral, creating something of a self-fulfilling prophecy with regard to the general estimation of Jewish people’s character. Among the only occupations available to them were those considered dishonest or parasitic, leading to widespread views that Jews were dishonest and parasitic, as proven by their gravitation toward those occupations. The fact that some Jewish families managed to make their fortunes in those trades should have been a credit to their work ethic and business acumen, but instead spawned resentment over their wealth and power. 12th century England provides a useful example of this. William the Conqueror had invited Jews into the country in hopes their services would be a boon to the economy. The murder of William of Norwich started the spread of the blood libel and the Crusades whipped up religious fervor, but anti-Semitic violence was kept minimal until Jews began to rise to prominence and become as affluent as their white Christian counterparts, with Aaron of Lincoln, a Jew, becoming the richest man in England. When King Richard I was crowned and wealthy English Jews paid him homage, the resentment reached a boiling point and violence erupted, with bloody pogroms thereafter in London and York. In 1218, Henry III issued an edict requiring Jews to wear a badge identifying them as Jewish, and in 1290, Edward Longshanks expelled them from the country, both of which events should ring bells as being similar to the eventual actions of the Nazis.

13th century English depiction of “Aaron, Son of the Devil,” a caricature of the Jews, seen wearing a badge identifying his Jewish heritage, via Wikimedia Commons

13th century English depiction of “Aaron, Son of the Devil,” a caricature of the Jews, seen wearing a badge identifying his Jewish heritage, via Wikimedia Commons

With the establishment of the Rothschild banking dynasty in 19th century France, this resentment of prosperous Jewish individuals and affluent Jewish families evolved into the fear over an international Jewish cabal bent on economic supremacy, an idea expressed clearly in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion forgery: “We shall surround our government with a whole world of economists…. Around us again will be a whole constellation of bankers, industrialists, capitalists and—the main thing millionaires, because in substance everything will be settled by the question of figures.” Thus the fear of Jewish influence in banking, industry, and finance evolved from a resentment that this marginalized group managed, historically, to succeed despite limited opportunities. And today, as the name of the Rothschilds is still breathlessly mentioned by conspiracy theorists alongside more modern figures like George Soros, we still commonly see claims that Jews control every lucrative industry, from Hollywood to the food industry, which they are said to profit from through a “Kosher Tax” that doesn’t exist, and that they even control the stock market by dominating the Board of Directors of the New York Stock Exchange. But of course, as antiracist essayist Tim Wise has pointed out, this supposed domination of boards of directors is misrepresented, with any number of Jewish directors being seen as over-representation even when they are in the minority, representing perhaps nine to thirteen percent of a given board’s membership. And after all, even if Jews did represent the majority of a board of directors, Wise shrewdly notes that this doesn’t make the wrongdoings of the company attributable to Jews generally any more than the wrongdoings of a tobacco company can be blamed on Christians generally because its board is dominated by Christians.

Fundamental logical flaws like this are characteristic of many anti-Semitic arguments. It has been pointed out that nearly every accusation made against the Jews is contradictory. They are said to be exploitative capitalists but also communist revolutionaries, accused of being inciters of war but also pacifists and cowards, of holding themselves too separate from society but also of intermingling too much, of being too secular and materialistic but also too religious and spiritual. Somehow they are criticized for being bold schemers at world domination and simultaneously for being nervous, timid, and inferior. The cognitive dissonance boggles the mind, and as with the other images of Jewish people embodied in the legend of the Wandering Jew, so too is this contradictory nature. In nearly every telling of the Wandering Jew’s tale, he is given a different name, a sure sign that it is mere folklore or myth. He is called Cartophilus, Ahasverus, Buttadeus, Isaac Laquedam, and Juan Espera en Dios, along with numerous permutations of those. Livia Bitton, in an article on the topic for Literary Onomastics Studies, sees a contradictory tradition in the etymological development of these names. Some, such as Cartaphilus, which means “well loved,” would seem to identify the Wandering Jew with the Beloved Disciple, often believed to be John, whose grave, according to another Christian legend, was found to be empty. The first name John likewise corresponds to some other first names given to the Wandering Jew, like Juan, Johannes, and Giovanni. However, the name Buttadeus seems to refer to the Wandering Jew striking Christ, making him the “God-batterer.” Therefore, the Wandering Jew was either beloved of God or a cursed enemy of God, and in some cases both, as some accounts combined the names, as with the Latin Johannes Buttadeos. So the legend of the Wandering Jew even reflects the dichotomy of views about Jews as either chosen people or villains. It can be seen as an allegory for all the traditions of anti-Semitism whose paths can be traced throughout history and which seem to have swelled again during this Coronavirus Era. It depicts hatred for and fear of the Jews as unending, going on and on and on, just as the Wandering Jew is said to continually march through history, eternally suffering and feared by others. But there is an alternative interpretation of the legend, one that makes of the Wandering Jew more an allegory for all humanity, his suffering and his search for peace universal. This is the meaning we must take from the legend, for this, after all, is what anti-Semites and racists of every stripe fail to recognize: that they are the same as the people they hate, that they share the same struggles, seek the same comforts, and fear the same cruelties.

“The Wandering Eternal Jew,” a Nazi propaganda poster, via Wikimedia Commons

“The Wandering Eternal Jew,” a Nazi propaganda poster, via Wikimedia Commons

Further Reading

Baring-Gould, Sabine. “The Wandering Jew.” Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, Roberts Brothers, 1867, pp. 1-29. Project Gutenberg,

Bitton, Livia. “The Names of the Wandering Jew.” Literary Onomastics Studies, vol. 2, no. 1, 1975, pp. 169-80. The College at Brockport: State University of New York,

Cohen, Seth. “Israel Announced A Major Coronavirus Antibody Breakthrough. Here’s Why That’s Reason To Be Optimistic.” Forbes, 5 May 2020,

Cohn, Samuel K. “The Black Death and the Burning of Jews.” Past & Present, no. 196, 2007, pp. 3–36. JSTOR, Accessed 7 May 2020.

Estrin, Daniel. “New Report Notes Rise in Coronavirus-Linked Anti-Semitic Hate Speech.” NPR, 21 April 2020,

Goldstein, Jan. “The Wandering Jew and the Problem of Psychiatric Anti-Semitism in Fin-De-Siecle France.” Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 20, no. 4, 1985, pp. 521–552. JSTOR, Accessed 6 May 2020.

Perry, Marvin, and Frederick M. Schweitzer. Antisemitism: Myth and Hate from Antiquity to the Present. Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.

Ravid, Barak, et al. “Abbas Repeats Debunked Claim That Rabbis Called to Poison Palestinian Water in Brussels Speech.” Haaretz, 23 June 2016,

Russell, W. M. S., and Katharine M. Briggs. “The Legends of Lilith and of the Wandering Jew in Nineteenth-Century Literature.” Folklore, vol. 92, no. 2, 1981, pp. 132–140. JSTOR, Accessed 6 May 2020.

Secter, Bob. “Blacks’ AIDS Fears Fuel Anti-Semitism.” Los Angeles Times, 10 June 1988,

Sue, Eugene. The Wandering Jew. George Routledge and Sons, 1889. Project Gutenberg,

Wise, Tim. “When Paranoia Meets Prejudice: Debunking the Notion of a Jewish Conspiracy.”, 19 Aug. 2003,


Drake's Plate: A Brazen Plot

762px-Detail_of_Nova_Albion_from_Hondius_map_of_1589 (1).jpg

In the summer of 1579, Sir Francis Drake, an English privateer on a secret mission for Queen Elizabeth, made landfall on the other side of the world. He had embarked with five ships in 1577, tasked with sailing around South America to the Pacific and capturing Spanish treasure galleons off of Peru and up the coast of the Americas. After much attrition, with his fleet reduced to one ship, the Golden Hind, he struck out north in search of the Northwest Passage, a much theorized route through the Arctic Ocean that not only would have taken him back to Europe but also would have proven to be a valuable trade route. Turning back due to inclement weather, he landed in 1579 in a beautiful place that he dubbed Nova Albion. This port was somewhere on the coast of modern day California. He encamped there for five weeks, gathering provisions and repairing the Golden Hind in preparation for circumnavigating the globe. Before their departure, he erected a small monument, a plate of brass declaring the land property of Elizabeth I, asserting that the natives of the region had freely given up rights of ownership to Her Majesty, and affixing a coin within a hole in the plate so as to leave there a picture of the queen. The details of this secret mission were kept confidential for more than 10 years, and eventually all the first-hand reports of his voyage would be lost in a fire at Whitehall Palace in 1698. But second-hand reports and Drake’s own later mention of this brass plate affixed to a post somewhere in California, evidence of the earliest English landing in America and their first contact with Native Americans, have long tantalized historians, making it a McGuffin to rival any that Indiana Jones ever pursued, and the story of its eventual discovery is a saga all its own.

In the Introduction of this paper, I’d certainly want to thank all the investors and supporters of the academic study, especially the new contributors, like so-and-so. I’d especially like to thank Karen, who after my recent announcement that I’d be suspending the billing of my patrons during the pandemic chose to bankroll the project with a generous one-time donation on my website. Thanks again, Karen. [Hi Patrons! In the next episode] In this episode, I tell a story that I wanted to include in my episode on E Clampus Vitus, but which was too big to encompass in a mere paragraph at the end of the episode. It involves some prominent members of the Yerba Buena Chapter Redivivus, which was responsible for reviving E Clampus Vitus in the 1930s. This group’s rank and file was full of professional historians, officers of historical societies, journal publishers, and artifact collectors. One among these was the famed historian of the American West, Herbert Eugene Bolton, the originator of an entire theory and school of American historiography whose principal tenet was that U.S. history can only be properly understood in context with the history of all colonial powers and other American countries influenced by colonialism. He spent most of his career at the University of California, Berkeley, where he helped to establish the Bancroft Library as a major center for research. It was here that he held forth in classes of up to a thousand students about the legendary lost artifact of English colonialism that haunted him: the brass plate reportedly left behind by Sir Francis Drake at his landing place in California. It was a mystery he had always hoped to solve before the conclusion of his long and lauded career, and he regularly urged his students to search for it, marshalling them to his cause like his own personal expeditionary force. Thus it perhaps did not come as much of a surprise when, in February 1937, someone came to him with an artifact that appeared to be the very plate of brass he had so long yearned to hold in his hands. And what better person to scrutinize such a find and verify its authenticity? Surely he, of all experts, was best equipped to detect a fraud. But could the desire for it to be genuine have clouded even this eminent scholar’s shrewd judgment?

Herbert Eugene Bolton in 1905, via Wikimedia Commons

Herbert Eugene Bolton in 1905, via Wikimedia Commons

In the summer of 1936, one Beryle Shinn, employee of an Oakland dry goods store, was driving along a road near Corte Madera Creek, not far from San Quentin Prison in the Bay Area, when his tire went flat, forcing him to coast over to the shoulder. As a Clamper version of the story would later tell it, he then felt the need to defecate, so he went in search of a secluded spot to relieve himself. Through a fence he went, and up a ridge to a rocky outcropping where he enjoyed a gorgeous vista while emptying his bowels. It was then, as he groped about for something with which to wipe his posterior, that his hand came to rest on a blackened sheet of metal. He carried the plate back to his car, not because he believed it to be valuable, but because he thought it might be useful in repairing his car, which besides a burst tire apparently also had a hole in its cabin. It was months before he decided to try his hand at fixing his vehicle using the metal plate, though, and when he looked at it again, he saw that it bore some kind of inscription. Scraping and wiping off the soiled surface, he saw a date etched onto its face: 1579. Shinn then showed the plate to a co-worker at his store who just happened to be a UC Berkeley student. Recognizing the name “Drake” in the plate’s inscription and being aware of Professor Bolton’s longstanding search for Drake’s plate, this co-worker urged Shinn to take the artifact to Bolton. Herbert Bolton was, of course, ecstatic at the sight of it. He was 67 years old at the time and believed that the discovery of Drake’s Plate could serve as the culmination of his already impressive career. Right away, he brought in Allen Chickering, President of the California Historical Society, hoping to raise the money to buy it from Shinn before the clerk realized how much the item might actually fetch at auction. The two of them went out to the place where Shinn claimed to have found it, and afterward, they made an offer of $2,500 to buy it. At this point, Shinn started playing hard to get and even gave them a scare by taking the plate back home and going incommunicado for most of a week. Chickering, worried about losing the find, went all in, offering $3,500 and writing up a statement that took sole responsibility for the plate if disputes of ownership were raised or even if allegations of fraud were made. Shinn took the deal, leaving both Bolton, Chickering, and the Historical Society financially invested in a historical find they had yet to test for authenticity.

These parties were not the only ones concerned about proving the find genuine. Robert Gordon Sproul, the President of UC Berkeley, was also growing concerned, wary that Bolton may have blundered in rushing to acquire the object. The place it had been found, after all, was far from Drake’s Bay, where it had always been thought that Drake had landed. Bolton reassured him, though, that the appropriate tests would of course be performed. However, after performing no further tests beyond comparing the text inscribed on the plate with the surviving descriptions of the historical plate, he published a work and declared to the public that the plate had “apparently” been found, asserting that “[t]he authenticity of the tablet seems to me beyond all reasonable doubt.” The plot thickened, however, a few days after the news of the find spread, when a chauffeur named William Caldeira came forward to say that he had seen that plate back in 1933. According to him, he had driven his client, another member of the California Historical Society, out to Drake’s Bay to do some hunting, and while he waited, he poked around the car and found the plate. He had wanted to show it to the Historical Society member whom he was driving, but it was too dark to examine it, so he just stuck it in his car door pocket. A couple weeks later, while cleaning out his car, he decided it was garbage and tossed it out on the side of a road near San Quentin. This account resolved the issue of the plate’s discovery so far from Drake’s Bay, where it had long been agreed Drake had landed. But there still remained the mystery of how it had gotten from the roadside to the ridgetop. Further testimony emerged, however, to account for this discrepancy as well. One Joseph Cattaneo, apparently a convict returning to the prison at San Quentin, saw the plate on the side of the road in 1936 and carried it up to the hilltop to conceal it for later retrieval. This seemed to explain everything… except there was another claim, by one Florence Schatti, that she and her friend had seen the plate on the hilltop where Shinn would find it two years before Cattaneo claims to have carried it there. Someone appeared to be mistaken or lying.

San Quentin Prison, as it appeared in the 1930s, via These Americans

San Quentin Prison, as it appeared in the 1930s, via These Americans

Suspicions lingered, and when a manuscript specialist named Henry Haseldon wrote a paper in September questioning the plate’s authenticity, Bolton and Chickering were quick to defend the artifact and the honesty of both Shinn and Caldeira. To answer any further criticism, the University and the Historical Society engaged a respected metallurgist named Cohn Fink to perform electrochemical tests on the plate. For seven months, he and his team completed a battery of tests on the artifact, and their report affirmed that the composition of the alloy and the patina all stood up to scrutiny as originating from the time of Sir Francis Drake. To protests that the plate was actual brass, as in an alloy of copper and zinc, whereas the Old English word “brasse” as used on the plate actually referred to bronze as only alloys of copper and tin were made in England at the time, their explanation was that the plate itself must have been of Spanish origin—an acceptable explanation since Drake had been seizing Spanish goods and treasure throughout his voyage. As for why the plate lacked the green oxidization known as verdigris that would be expected on a brass plate of such age, their simplistic answer was that it must have been because California’s climate was so mild. Despite the lameness of these defenses, their report was generally accepted. By the end of that same year, the plate was a centerpiece of the Golden Gate International Exposition, and in the years to follow, it would be featured as the authentic Drake plate in numerous textbooks, histories, and magazines, including National Geographic. Copies were given to Lady Bird Johnson when she was the First Lady and more than once to Queen Elizabeth II. Nevertheless, whispers behind the scenes continued, suggesting the find was a fraud, and even hinting at inside knowledge of who had perpetrated it. And eventually, in the 1970s, the truth became known. The plate of brass was indeed a hoax, one perpetrated by members of Bolton’s own roisterous chapter of E Clampus Vitus, and they had given him every opportunity to realize it and save himself from the disgrace of ending his career as the butt of a joke.

The members of Chapter Redivivus of course knew of Professor Bolton’s preoccupation with the Drake Plate, and so, being diehard pranksters, they saw a perfect opportunity to play a joke on their fellow Clamper. George Ezra Dane, who had co-founded Chapter Redivivus and resuscitated the Order of E Clampus Vitus along with Carl Wheat, was responsible for initiating the prank. He asked fellow Clamper George Barron, curator of San Francisco’s de Young Museum, to design the plate, which he did, writing the inscription based on the account of the plate written in Drake’s The World Encompassed. He didn’t bother much to get the orthography and phraseology historically accurate, since the hoax, it seems, was never meant to do any more than vex Herbert Bolton. Mostly, he just replaced U’s with V’s. He bought the plate itself, a piece of rolled brass, from a ship chandlery in Alameda and had his neighbor, an artist, inscribe it using a hammer and chisel. The letters were all caps, not Elizabethan at all, but again, this was just a silly joke, they thought. In fact, the artist who inscribed it even left a signature, a large C with a little capital G inside it, for George Clark. And to top it off, before planting it somewhere they hoped it would be found, they actually daubed the back of the plate with the letters ECV, for E Clampus Vitus, in fluorescent paint, so that under certain light, the identity of the pranksters would be revealed. Imagine their delight when, according to plan, it was discovered and brought to Bolton and he fell for it! Then imagine their unease when Bolton convinced the President of the California Historical Society, on whose board of directors George Ezra Dane sat, to invest an enormous sum in buying the plate and accept responsibility for it. Finally, imagine their dread when expert after expert appeared to confirm the plate’s authenticity, explaining away all the obvious problems with it. It’s an alloy that the English didn’t make? Well, it must be something Drake picked up along the way. No verdigris? California has a miraculous climate that causes no rust, I guess.  Even George Clark’s signature, the G within the C, they explained as being a title of Drake’s, Captain General, although this was not a title in use at the time. And the hammer marks all along the edges of the brass, applied to hide the signs of its commercial shearing, and on the surface of the plate, where Clark had attempted to flatten lettering that had been raised by his chiseling method? Those had clearly been made by the poor wretch tasked with attaching the plate to the “great post” Drake had described. Surely that poor man’s thumbs had been much abused by the errant hammer that day. But perhaps most shocking was the fact that a team of scientists failed to notice the fluorescent confession painted on the back of the plate.

The supposed Drake Plate pictured with the hammering plate used by its counterfeiters to planish it, licensed by a Creative Commons International Attribution-ShareAlike license from creator Robert Stupack, via Wikimedia Commons

The supposed Drake Plate pictured with the hammering plate used by its counterfeiters to planish it, licensed by a Creative Commons International Attribution-ShareAlike license from creator Robert Stupack, via Wikimedia Commons

Dane and the other Clampers in the California Historical Society could not easily come forward once the hoax had gone that far, so instead they tried to nudge Bolton into a realization of the fraud. In May, the month after Bolton’s initial pronouncement of its authenticity, his Clamper friends dedicated a plaque near Tuoloumne City that was itself a brass plate with chiseled lettering that replaced U’s with V’s. This one was dedicated by Chief William Fuller of the mi-Wuk tribe, and it revoked the grant of land supposedly surrendered to Sir Francis Drake and Queen Elizabeth so long ago. Clearly, at least in part, the stunt was meant to show Bolton how a similar plate could easily be manufactured, but Bolton appeared not to take note, as he was more concerned by the scholarly challenges to the plate’s authenticity that had begun to appear. Then in September, one Clamper of the Yerba Buena Chapter sent a letter to Bolton purporting to be from “Consolidated Brasse and Novelty Company,” hinting at the modern manufacture of the plate by saying, “I am sure you will be interested in our special line of brass plates. These plates have a beautiful finish. We make them in all sizes and shapes and in a variety of scripts and dates. We have a very attractive Elizabethan line….” Bolton either failed to understand the letter or assumed the letter was itself a prank and continued in his course seeking evidence of the plate’s authenticity. Finally, his Chapter of the Clampers release a new book of tall tales about the exploits of ancient Vituscan brothers, and the first entry in this anthology was all about the newfound Drake plate. In it, they detailed its discovery as well as its testing, carefully pointing out every reason to doubt its authenticity. It featured a frontispiece drawing of the ancient chief Hi-Oh of the Mi-Wuks who was said to have given his tribe’s land to the English and in their version was said to have used the plate as a piece of jewelry after Drake departed. Around his neck in the sketch he wore the plate, on which can be seen the letters ECV, a hint at the invisible signature on its backside, and in their account, it even indicates that these letters can be seen using ultra violet fluorescence or infra-red light. According to their fanciful version of Drake’s account, the plate had been inscribed by Drake’s chaplain, a member of E Clampus Vitus, and so, cleverly, the story ends with the confession, hidden in plain sight, that the plate was “the rightful property of our ancient Order.”

But as we have seen, none of their efforts were successful. Professor Herbert Bolton was so intent on this artifact being the real deal that he made sure it was found to be so, and he was aided in his endeavor by many a scholar and scientist who likewise wanted to believe. Dane and the other Clamper perpetrators of the fraud simply gave up and let their prank become accepted history, thereafter only discussing their part in the hoax in whispers. Eventually, long after Bolton went to his final rest satisfied with the plate’s legitimacy, these whispers caused other scholars to look closer and to discover the fraud, and so today this is no longer a Blind Spot. However, enough unanswered questions remain that some continue to have doubts. When did the Clampers create the plate, and where did they plant it? It seems impossible that they would have planted it anywhere other than Drake’s Bay, so had they been disappointed when their fake plate disappeared and then surprised when it appeared again all the way over by San Quentin and still made its way to their mark, Bolton? Or was Shinn working for them? If so, what about Caldeira and the others with their conflicting testimonies? Some have even suggested that there were two plates, that which had been found in Drake’s Bay and lost again years earlier, and that which had been brought to Bolton. Could one of them have been the real Drake Plate? Or is the real plate lost forever, a missing piece of our past? Or was there never a plate to begin with, as some have suggested, and was the whole story of a monument marking a land deal with the natives concocted by Drake to strengthen English colonial claims to the New World? These are questions we may never answer, unless some sharp-eyed Californian manages to dig up the genuine plate of brass left by Sir Francis Drake in Nova Albion.

Clamper plaque recreating their handiwork in the supposed Drake Plate, via Find A Grave

Clamper plaque recreating their handiwork in the supposed Drake Plate, via Find A Grave

Further Reading

E Clampus Vitus: Anthology of New Dispensation Lore. Edited by Thomas Duncan, Lulu Press, 2009.

Von der Porten, Edward, et al. "Who made Drake's plate of brass? Hint: it wasn't Francis Drake." California History, vol. 81, no. 2, 2002, p. 116+. Gale General OneFile, Accessed 2 Apr. 2020.


The Unbelievable History of the Ancient and Honorable E Clampus Vitus

humbug (1).jpg

In the spring of 1930, lawyer and historian Carl Wheat made a visit to some old mining camps in California for the purposes of researching life during the Gold Rush. His focus came to rest on the practice of a secret society among the miners, one with an apparently long and storied past. Mr. Wheat was no stranger to fraternal societies himself, being a member of San Francisco’s Bohemian Club, whose annual retreat for the rich and powerful at Bohemian Grove serves as popular fodder for many conspiracy theorists. But in the secret order that flourished among miners in the 19th century, called E Clampus Vitus, Carl Wheat saw something more than an organization for the elite. He saw a society for the everyman, for the lover of history both obscure and preposterous, and he came to believe it was a tradition worth reviving. He and some fellows of equally high CQ--an attribute like unto IQ, but measuring instead their degree of “Californiosity”--got together not long after, in a Yerba Buena lunchroom, to form once again a lodge dedicated to the traditions of this bygone order, about which they actually knew very little. Not long after forming their Chapter Redivivus, however, a mysterious stranger telephoned Wheat, claiming to have been, in his youth, the last Noble Grand Humbug of the last practicing lodge. Building from the knowledge of this Clampatriarch, as they called him, the New Dispensation of E Clampus Vitus began, and its fantastical history could finally be written. 


I will commence with a discussion of the rather successful revival of a secret society that died out with the end of the California Gold Rush of the 19th century. This fraternal organization, reborn in the 1930s, today boasts that their members number in the tens of thousands in more than 40 chapters scattered across the Western United States, but by far their numbers are highest in my home state of California, where much of the order’s history takes place. While the math on the aforementioned membership does not quite seem to work, unless every chapter has initiated thousands of members, nevertheless the chief occupation of the Clampers, aside from merrymaking, does seem to indicate that they are widespread. This historical drinking society--though some argue it is more a drinking historical society--proves its historical bonafides by placing historical plaques across the American West. About a decade ago, they had put up more than a thousand historical markers, and by now that number is far higher. What I appreciate is that the members of E Clampus Vitus don’t concentrate on memorializing well-known history, or “rich old man’s history” as they call it, but rather the little known facts of the state. As an example, in the quaint town of Murphys, they have a plaque that preserves the memory of the saber-toothed tiger that prowled the neighborhood in the distant past, and in the town of Volcano, they celebrate the invention of Moose Milk, a cocktail composed of bourbon, rum and heavy cream that was popular among Gold Rush miners. To illustrate better the playfulness of their plaques, consider the strange upside-down house built by silent film star Nellie Bly in the town of Lee Vining, which they commemorate with an upside-down plaque. While these plaques are good fun and demonstrate the society’s preoccupation with history, none of these monuments record the secret mysteries behind the founding and evolution of the order. For this, we must delve into the hard-to-find documents published by the first members of the Chapter Redivivus, who revived the order and learned its lore from an old man who was around when it was still being practiced in the 19th century.

In determining when the society of E Clampus Vitus began and who started it, it is necessary to consider its name. Some theologians trace the society back to Moses, who is claimed to be an early Noble Grand Humbug or Clampatriarch, for one of the hypothesized source documents of the Torah, called the Elohist, is more commonly referred to as E, corresponding to the beginning of the order’s name. Others, however, trace the beginning of the order all the way back to the beginning of time and creation, naming Adam as the Clamprogrenitor, as it were. This is suggested by the fact that the word Vitus is said by some to derive from the Greek phitos or begetter, referring to Adam as the father of humanity. By this reckoning, the word Clampus derives from the Greek kleptos, to steal, because after receiving the knowledge by eating of the tree in the Garden of Eden, Adam smuggled out the secrets of the order so that he could pass them down to all mankind. If one finds it hard to credit such ancient origins of the order, alternative etymology suggests E Clampus Vitus to be a Latinate phrase, with E meaning “out of,” Clampus being a combination of clam, or “ignorance or darkness,” and pos, meaning “after.” Finally, Vitus would be vita, or “life,” making the entire translation “out of darkness, after life,” as in seeking after life. No matter what one makes of the meaning of the order’s name, it cannot be denied that its central figure was Saint Vitus, after whom Sydenham’s chorea, or St. Vitus’s Dance was named, that malady being one suspect for explaining the notorious Dancing Plague I have discussed in the past. St. VItus is known to have exorcised a demon from Emperor Diocletian’s son, or as the more scientific might suggest today, somehow cured the boy of some neurological or psychological condition. In return, since St. VItus refused to attribute the miracle to pagan gods, Diocletian tortured him to death. It is said that before his unfortunate end, St. Vitus was in the process of writing the great history of E Clampus Vitus, but had only managed to write out one line. 

Saint Vitus, from the Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493, via Wikimedia Commons

Saint Vitus, from the Nuremberg Chronicle, 1493, via Wikimedia Commons

Despite St. Vitus’s death, the order survived as a monastic tradition carried on by the Vituscan brothers. Their form of the phrase was the Latin Ecce Lampas Vitae, meaning “Behold, the Light of Life,” and how this phrase became corrupted is truly a remarkable tale. A 20th century discovery in the Vatican Library tells the tale in the form of a letter by one Heliodoricus, himself a Vituscan. In his letter, Heliodoricus describes a long and arduous journey of four years that he took with nine fellow Vituscan missionaries all the way to the Far East. Only two others survived the journey, Stomachus, and Bellicosus, whereupon they gained an audience with Chinese emperor Hee Sing Li. Heliodoricus describes the great success they had at converting the Chinese, introducing the customs of their order halfway around the world. It is the Chinese, he says, who in mispronouncing their motto Ecce Lampas Vitae coined the modern name E Clampus Vitus, a revelation that caused much stir among the aforementioned theologians who had developed so many theories about the phrase and its implications for the origins of the order. After this historic Vituscan mission to China, it appears the traditions of E Clampus Vitus, as they called it, flourished for generations. The truth of this is attested in another historic discovery, made by one Rev. Dr. Shaw of New York City, in 1890 during his own mission to China. Of course, by this time, the practice of E Clampus Vitus could be observed in California, and Dr. Shaw’s discovery explains at least part of the story of the order’s roots in my state. Shaw came across a Chinese manuscript that, astoundingly, indicates a Chinese navigator by the name of Hee Li discovered America, and more specifically California, as early as 435 CE, making the Chinese claim of discovery even earlier than the claims of Pre-Columbian transoceanic contact by Vikings. According to the story, Hee Li’s vessel was blown out to sea by a storm, and by some cosmic mischance, a cockroach-like beetle had gotten into his only compass, misaligning the needle and dying inside, out of sight. Hee Li relied entirely on this broken compass, following it ever eastward, despite never finding the shores of his homeland. When a member of his crew pointed out the sight of the rising sun to prove they were headed the wrong direction, Hee Li threw the mutineer overboard. Eventually, upon making landfall at what is modern day Monterey and finding the dead bug in his compass, Hee Li, himself a dedicated Clamper, declared the new land Gumshaniana, or Gum Shan, and set about instructing its native inhabitants in the traditions of E Clampus Vitus.

Hee Li eventually managed to make a return journey from Gum Shan after having established Clamperism there, and his discovery of this far off land we today call California was well known among his countrymen. Indeed, his adventure would inspire another expedition many years later, this one more purposeful and also less successful. This voyage was undertaken by one of low birth, the son of a servant woman who cleaned the privy chambers of the Empress. Due to a peculiarity of his anatomy, he was known among the women at court as Lo-Hung-Whang. One night, the Empress relieved herself into a chamberpot and fell in. Enraged at the man responsible for leaving too large a chamberpot in her room, she had the foul toilet forced onto the man’s head. Lo-Hung-Whang gave this poor soul sanctuary and helped him remove the pot, and in return, the man helped smuggle Lo-Hung-Whang out of the palace in another, even larger chamberpot. Thereafter free to pursue his dream life as a sailor, Lo-Hung-Whang always kept that massive toilet with him to remember his deliverance. After establishing himself as a capable navigator and having made some explorations of his own, he set out to organize a colonial expedition to Gum Shan after hearing of Hee Li’s discovery. In addition to his crew, he brought three hundred fertile slave girls, with the intention of peopling Gumshaniana with their descendants. These poor women were subjected to terrible abuses, and if they dared raise their voice in protest, they were silenced by having a handful of red pepper powder thrown in their faces. One among these women, Lo-Hung-Whang’s own concubine, Hop Mee, proved to be stronger and more clever than the men anticipated, though. She arranged for the eunuchs guarding the other girls to be drugged, and once free, the former slave women took control of the vessel, throwing any who resisted them to the sharks. Upon finally landing at Gum Shan, somewhere near modern day Mendocino, Hop Mee decided that she would be the empress of this new land, and it is said that she is the true Amazonian warrior woman whose legend inspired the fictional character Calafia, after whom California is named. 

Mural depicting Califia, fictional Amazonian queen for whome California was named, via Wikimedia Commons

Mural depicting Califia, fictional Amazonian queen for whome California was named, via Wikimedia Commons

The branch of E Clampus Vitus descending from the Chinese chapter established by the Vituscan missionaries, however, has not the only claim to being the origin of Clampers in the New World. Indeed, there was another monastic order originating from the teachings of St. Vitus, this one established by his disciple Dumbellicus, himself also a martyr killed by Emperor Diocletian. Dumbellicus was an ascetic soul, known to deny himself pleasure and excess, and so, as an especially cruel torture, Diocletian gave Dumbellicus to the priestesses of Venus, who chained him naked upon a flower-strewn altar and took from him his chastity. However, Dumbellicus resisted, biting off his own tongue and making himself pass out, so that he retained, in theory, his purity. His was a “moral martyrdom,” for he did not lose his life. Afterward, he spoke only in signs, and his followers sought his canonization as a saint. However, sainthood was denied him, for it was suspected that he never actually bit his tongue off, and that perhaps he did not resist his altar-bound intercourse as much as his legend claims. The church likely came to this conclusion based on the behavior of his followers, the Dumbellican Brotherhood, who received the nickname the Frollicking Friars due to their licentious behavior. It was this so-called “breechless brotherhood” that added to the original Vituscan directive to care for widows and orphans the clarification that it was “especially the widows” that they sought to comfort. It was they who introduced the central Clamper symbol, the Staff of Relief, a decidedly phallic image. The Frollicking Friars did much to spread their order, for it’s said they expanded on the notion of widowhood, applying the Staff of Relief even to women who they said had been “widowed” by their husbands’ neglect, and therefore they frequently were obliged to flee from one place to the next. Thus with the discovery of the New World, many of the Dumbellican Brotherhood were only too eager to leave the old world behind and joined the ranks of armies led by such famous conquistadors as Pizarro and Cortes, who made plenty of widows for the breechless brothers to comfort. 

The question then becomes whether it was the particular Chinese brand of E Clampus Vitus passed down through the native progeny of Hop Mee, Empress of Gumshaniana, that was practiced by the miners of Gold Rush California, or whether it was the form spread by the Frollicking Friars during their rapacious journeys through the New World. Of course, it may have been a combination of both. There is one tale that tells of these two branches of Clamperism meeting. The last of the Dumbellican friars are said to have encountered a band of Native Americans calling themselves Clampas in Arizona. These Clampas gave some of the ancient signs of their order, which the friars recognized. However, rather than finding themselves hailed and well met, they instead found themselves under attack by the Clampas. These Native Americans brandished their own staffs, but these would bring the friars no relief. The unusual anatomy of these Clampas indicates that Lo-Hung-Whang survived Hop Mee’s mutiny and managed to father children, or perhaps was kept as a sex slave himself as he had previously kept Hop Mee, for the peculiar trait that gave him his crude sobriquet was observed by the Frollicking Friars in the naked Clampas who charged at them. Indeed, these natives appeared ready to use their formidable weapons against the Dumbellican Brothers. Though they wrapped their robes about their loins like diapers to better facilitate their flight, the Frollicking Friars could not escape their awful fate. Clampers have since marked the site of their massacre with a plaque that reads: “Here fell the last of the Frollicking Friars. They could pass it out, but they couldn’t take it.”

Persecution by Emperor Diocletian, via

Persecution by Emperor Diocletian, via

And that is where the unbelievable history of E Clampus Vitus might end, if it were not for the fact that this episode releases just before April 1st and is an April Fools Day joke! I am sorry to say that none of this is real history! Well, to be fair, it does appear that Gold Rush miners had a fraternal organization called E Clampus Vitus, and it is true that Carl Wheat revived it in the 1930s, but all of the lore I just shared with you was fiction playfully concocted by the New Dispensation under the Chapter Redivivus. Perhaps this was obvious from the ridiculous and frankly racist names of its central characters as well as its bawdy subject matter. The fact that it is not meant to be taken seriously would have been even more apparent had I shared with you the one line that St. Vitus was said to have put into writing about E Clampus Vitus before he was martyred: credo quia absurdum, I believe because it is absurd. This has become the motto of this historical drinking society. Imagine a gathering of overeducated history buffs drunkenly regaling each other with the most ridiculous false histories they could think of. This was the beginning and the foundation of the modern day Clampers, although today, as I understand it, it is more of a plain old drinking society that enjoys to play pranks. And this may be even closer to the E Clampus Vitus of the Gold Rush Miners. Many of the surviving stories suggest that in the 19th century, E Clampus Vitus was just a way to put one over on outsiders. Travelling salesmen entering the mining camps could find no patrons, and entertainment troupes could not fill their audiences, until they agreed to join the ranks of the society, to be “taken in,” as it were, which meant the miners would be able to drink on their dime for the night. Thereafter, the miners gladly patronized these newcomers to their town, so it was essentially an initiation into the community. But there is no evidence that the rough and tough miners of 19th-century California touted any such colorful beliefs about the origins of their little club.

In fact, there is something of an origin story for E Clampus Vitus to which we might give more credence. It appears to have begun in West Virginia, dreamed up by a blacksmith and tavern keeper named Ephraim Bee sometime during the early 1850s. Bee had political aspirations and fancied himself something of a folksy storyteller. At the time, secret societies were all the rage. There were the Sons of ‘76, the Independent Order of the Odd Fellows, and the Order of the Star Spangled Banner, that nativist fraternity that I devoted a patron-exclusive episode to discussing, and even the Freemasons had made a comeback after the Anti-Masonic movement of decades earlier had reduced their numbers. What Bee established, however, was a burlesque of the well known secret fraternal organizations. The other secret societies all seemed to take themselves and their rituals far too seriously, and they were full of “stuffed shirts,” so Ephraim Bee founded a kind of parody of them, with nonsensical rituals, and a name that sounded Latin but was not… that’s right, E Clampus Vitus means nothing. It is Dog Latin, simply an imitation of the dead language. In fact the seeds for the elaborate lore that would later spring up around the order were planted by Ephraim himself, for he said he had learned the secrets of the order from Caleb Cushing, a Massachusetts statesman who had visited China and brought back the mysteries of this Confucian brotherhood that was widespread in the East. Ephraim Bee’s E Clampus Vitus grew a bit in West Virginia and elsewhere, but it faded away during his lifetime. One enthusiast named Joseph Zumwalt, however, brought the order with him from Missouri to California during the Gold Rush… or so they say. The timeline doesn’t seem to jibe, though, for how could Zumwalt have brought E Clampus Vitus to California in 1849 and established the first chapter here in Calaveras County in 1851 if Ephraim Bee was only just forming the first chapter in West Virginia in 1853? Considering all the false and absurd history told by the Clampers, in the end, it’s hard to believe anything you read about them. And perhaps that’s just the way they like it. 

Supposed image of Ephraim Bee circulated on the Internet by Clampers… who knows if it’s really him…

Supposed image of Ephraim Bee circulated on the Internet by Clampers… who knows if it’s really him…

Until next time, I’ll leave you with a wonderful quotation shared by Thomas Duncan as an epigraph on his book E Clampus Vitus: Anthology of New Dispensation Lore, which ended up serving as my principal source on this episode mainly because all the other works on Clamper history seem to be held hostage in the Special Collections rooms of California libraries, and the few available at my local library, I discovered, have been stolen. The epigraph is from Alexander Stille’s The Future of the Past: “The past is only the memory or residue of things that now exist in the present moment, a mental construction that—cleaned up or embellished—often serves the needs of the current moment instead of corresponding to any ‘historic’ truth.”

Further Reading

E Clampus Vitus: Anthology of New Dispensation Lore. Edited by Thomas Duncan, Lulu Press, 2009. 

Mckinley, Jesse. "Promoting Offbeat History Between the Drinks." New York Times, 14 Oct. 2008, p. A12(L). Gale OneFile: Business, Accessed 19 Mar. 2020.